Sometimes you just know your mum or dad need a kiss or a snuggle. I knew Dad had had a busy day and needed some special attention, so I was the girl to make him feel a lot better. Nothing like a Rosie 'kiss kiss' to make the world a better place.

Do you ever feel like this after a tough day?
I've been helping to look after mum as she had to go to hospital to get fixed up. It's been exhausting. Can you tell? But Mum's a lot better now, she must be as she can growl again. But I don't mind, I'm just glad she's home with Dad and me.

I've got a new friend - Bluey, and I reckon he looks pretty cool. It's special to have a friend you can laugh with, play with and snuggle up and watch a movie together with. We were watching 'The Secret Life of Pets,' on Netflix. Have you seen it? It's really funny. Sometimes those adult humans don't have a clue do they?

Mum and Dad haven't been away for such a long time, but yesterday I saw them packing a bag and felt a little anxious. But another part of me felt excited that I could have a dogsitter, a bit like a reliever. She's really cool though, and I like her a lot. She even let me sleep in her bed, but shhhh don't tell Mum will you. Actually I just kept tapping her until she let me in! It was great until this morning, and then I missed Mum and Dad, so I stayed in bed feeling a teensy bit sad. But they're home now, and boy did I squeal with delight when they walked in the door. I'm a really happy dog now, like really happy.

On one of our walks I was very pleased to see my friend Zuko (prounounced like zoo) until he decided he'd take control of my lead, and instead of Mum and Dad taking me for a walk, Zuko did. I don't think he really wanted to go for a walk though, I think he just liked the shiny black plastic on my 'poo bag' as he kept playing with it. Lucky it wasn't full hey!

Yay it's level 2 here now, and Mum and Dad's friends came to visit, and guess what............ they brought their new puppy with them. His name is Harley, and he's pretty cool for a puppy, a pretty big puppy. Yeah, I'm the little one in the photo! He liked my baby toys, and he did look pretty funny when he sat on the outdoor coffee table. I bet I'd get growled at if I did that! I can hear Mum now........."ROSIE BILLCLIFF, get down!"

Mum says I should be more ladylike so I'm learning how to cross my legs. Do you reckon I'm doing okay?

It's day 10 of lockdown
I'm feeling a little sad.
It's day 10 of lockdown
I guess it's not too bad.
Mum and Dad are also home
Which I thinks pretty cool,
So are the kids next door
Who normally go to school.
I'm also getting extra treats
My favourite sort of ones,
Maybe lockdowns not that bad -
I'm off to have some fun!

What games do you like to play with your family? A favourite of mine is hide and seek. Mum is really good at it, and I have to look quite hard to find her. I found a good hiding spot. Can you see me? Do you find it hard to keep still? I sure do.

How do you feel when your mum and dad go away for a while? Don't tell anyone, but I get a bit anxious and worried because I miss them. But it always ends up okay. I do like staying with my Nanny, and I get to play with Sophie the poodle. She's one of my besties, but gee she has a very longggg tongue that can lick anything and everything, including me ugh! Nanny took this photo of me when she told me mum and dad were on their way to take me home. Can you tell I was excited?!

What do you like to help your mum or dad with? My mum likes doing crosswords. She got a bit stuck the other night, so I said, "Let me take a look Mum, I know quite a lot." Guess what, I got 12 across for her! Mum couldn't believe her eyes. I'm pretty clever actually.

Sometimes, you just want a new hairdo don't you. My friend Ange came to visit, and she did this for me. What do you reckon? Is it a yes or no? I don't want to go out looking silly, so I need you to tell me. Then I did her hair, but she wouldn't let me take a photo of her. I didn't think that was very fair!

What's your favourite way to sleep, here's mine. Cool hey! Can you sleep like this, bet you can't. Can you find my head? hahaha

When life gets back to sort of normal, and you finally get to play with the new friend you met during lockdown. Cobi and I weren't very good at social distancing Mum says, and we got our leads a bit tangled together, and our mums and dads had to get us apart. BUT.......... now I have a new best friend, and my mum and Cobi's mum are also friends. Cobi came to my house for a playdate, and she ate my chew bone, but sharing is good. Shhhh don't tell my mum, but I didn't mind as I'd had enough of it, and that meant I got a new one! Result!

Hi everyone - lockdown tips from Rosie (that's me)
How are you coping?
We don't get to go out much any more, so I thought I'd think of some different things I can do each day. This morning I decided to try out some new hairstyles I've seen on dogs online. Here's my first try, what do you think? Any good? Mum said, "Rosie you look beautiful, well done!" I love my mum.

I'm getting ready in case we have to self isolate. We need to keep safe but my mum says, "Don't get too worried, but do make sure you wash your hands properly, and no kissing anyone." At least I don't have to worry about toilet paper, I just go on the grass! Remind people to think about others when grocery shopping.

I haven't been very well. I had to go to the 'dog doctor' because I kept scratching and biting myself. Do you ever do that? What did the boy or girl doctor tell you to do? I have to take pills yuk! I especially hate it when Dad pushes it down my throat until I swallow it........ Double YUK!

Do you enjoy going to school as much as I do? I went with Mum and Dad to Karapiro (I'm learning Te Reo) this morning and I saw kids, adults, a chook and these big white things that went 'quack!' They were a bit scary. I came home and had a nap!

Do you think next time Mum and Dad ask if I want to go for a walk they'll get a surprise when they see me doing this? I've been practising lots, how clever am I? I like it because it means my nose is closer to the bench too. Chicken smells so good!

Look what happened when I snuggled up by Dad’s feet… I went to sleep. Do you think it was from the smell? Mum thought it was funny, but Dad thought she was being rude as his feet smell like roses. Sometimes Mum says she can't sleep, I reckon she just needs to sniff Dad’s feet. Does anyone in your family have stinky feet?

It's not easy being short is it. But it's great when someone taller helps you build a platform so you can see out the window. I felt like the king of the castle up there! Mum wasn't so pleased when she found it though, but that could be because I was jumping up on top of it! Oops.............

Hi everyone, I bet you thought this was a picture of me about to read more poems didn't you! Gotcha! I like to play tricks sometimes. But this is really my cousin Muffin McNiel, do you remember her, she's cool..... like me! Well poor Muffin has been having trouble with her eyes, and now needs glasses. It's not easy being a dog and not being able to see, so if you have a friend who can't see properly, remember to be kind to them and help them when you can.

This is pretty exciting news. My Mum Judi, is having what sounds like a 'poatree compatishin!' I thought it was something to do with a tree, but it's not, it's about writing cool, funny words on paper. Mum let me read some of them, and I really liked them, and they made me laugh. Look at how colourful they are. I love colouring in too, and Mum said these children go to St Mary's School in Rotorua. I'd like to go and meet them one day!

Haha I'm not the only one who gets intro trouble. This is my friend Teddy, (he's kind of cute don't you think?) He got a little bit bored one day, when his mum and dad left him home alone. My mum says it's so funny she's going to write a poem about it. Cool hey!

LOOK AT ME! I'm learning to overcome my fears. Remember how cats scare me? Well this is my new friend Chippy, and yes he's a cat. We did a lot of sniffing, and he even rubbed up against me, and I didn't go crying to Mum. Now if I could only learn to not be scared of the big, black, bouncy labrador dog that lives with Chippy! One fear at a time!

You know how sometimes your mum and dad really annoy you, and you wish they'd leave you alone, but then they go away and you miss them, like, so much! Well my mum and dad have been in a place called the South Island, and I stayed at Nanny's house, and boy was I excited to see them last night. Mum took this picture for me this morning, and I am so happy to be home, and back to my own bed too...... ahhhhh!

Do you ever get a serious case of 'the munchies,' and you just need a little something to keep you going before dinner time? Time to head to the pantry when that happens, and hope Mum doesn't see me. Can you see those DentalLife snacks......... I don't like them...... I LOVE THEM but I couldn't quite reach them. I might need help!

Something under this fence keeps teasing me, and teasing is NEVER a good thing to do. My mum tells me that all the time. I need a plan. I either need to get it to like me, or maybe I could tell it there's a hungry lion moving into our house. If you have a better idea let me know, and you might even win a book.

I know that Mum does something called 'compatishins' and she gives stuff away. I thought I could do that!!! BUT JUST FOR YOU KIDS NOT BIG PEOPLE :)
Would you like to win a copy of 'Granny Goes To Hip Hop for your class?' it has the cutest picture of me in it! Go on, you know you want one. I'll even sign it for you. If I ask Dad, he'll post it to your school, he's very kind.
Here's how to win:
Email me at [email protected]
Put ROSIE in the subject
Then you need to answer one question-
What do you think I'm looking at in this photo?

How hot have you been this week? As hot as me? I hope you and your teachers are all coping okay if you're in hot classrooms. I can hang out in the lounge at home. But I got so hot this week I did something amazing, I got in the swimming pool.......... and............ I DON'T EVEN LIKE WATER. But a girl has to do what a girl has to do. But then Mum says, I'm always a cool dog! Do ya get it, do ya?

Mum said Happy New Year to me, and I'm not sure what that means. I thought the old year was pretty good, but I am missing visiting some schools and hanging out with you guys. My friend Maddy got a new camera. and said I could have a go at taking a selfie. What do you reckon? I know it's fuzzy, but how cool is my tongue? Fancy a lick anyone?

Do you think I'd make a good Christmas present?
Would you like to find me under your tree one Christmas morning?
HAHA I thought it was funny to wrap myself up when Mum wasn't looking.
Santa is coming in a few big sleeps, and I look forward to it every year, as we always have a chat, and he gives me a tummy rub. He's a cool old dude, like a friendly granddad with bad dress sense....and he always lets me share his supper.
and I'll see you next year...haha did you get it........ next year.... I'm funny!
love from me

HELLO, remember me! Do you sometimes feel really lazy?That’s what I’ve been like lately, but I had some EXCITING news for you. I had my first ever visit to a place called a beach! I got to walk on soft stuff called sand, and run around, but then all this water appeared, and I didn’t like that. They must have a lot of hoses to get that much water! Does water scare you too?

Hi everyone, how are you all doing? I've been busy playing with my friend Elliott and chilling. I love sleeping, do you? I thought I'd have a go at taking a selfie, and here is my first result. Do you 'nose' what I think? See what I did there!? It's not very good really is it? I think I need to practise a bit more, hmm where did Mum hide the camera?
Hi there, I just downloaded my first video. You need to play it through a second time to hear me properly. I heard Mum saying, she's doing a you tube channel. I had a peek and wow, I'm going to see if I can be a poet as well. I got the address for you to go look and subscribe. I might sneak one on while she's busy. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC174DZI0aLXx7WMzZNYTDTw?view_as=subscriber

Hi everyone, here's a photo of a new friend I met last week at a school called Longburn. Longburn sounds kind of painful to me! My new friend really liked me. Doesn't it feel good when someone likes you. She took me for walks, patted me and let me sit on her knee. I liked her a lot too, but I wasn't allowed to bring her home. :( I love going to schools, as kids smell so good, and don't even mind me sniffing them. Mum says it's rude to sniff bottoms though, but it feels so good! Dinner's almost ready, so I gotta go in case something falls on the floor! Yum.............
I found these photos on Mum's laptop of my playdate with my new friend Elliott. There were a few I didn't want to show you, as you could see my bottom, and I'd be so embarrassed!

Guess what I did on the weekend? I got to babysit Dad while Mum went out for a little while. I thought we'd get to do some really cool stuff that we're not allowed to do when Mum's home. It wasn't as exciting as I'd hoped. But I suppose Dad had a good sleep, and we didn't get into trouble!

Everyone needs a BFF, (that's a best friend forever) in case you didn't know. I only know as I heard some girls talking about it one day. Bear is my bestie, and we like to hang out together. Although she can be a bit much when she jumps into my bed and doesn't give me much room. It's cool to have someone to share secrets with though. Mum says we only need one friend, and Bear is mine. Who is your best friend?

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, Mum and Dad are home, and that made me so happy I wanted to jump for joy, and I did! You know what it's like when Mum and Dad first go away, and you think you can trick the dogsitter into letting you have more biscuits or treats. I sit and look sad and then they pat me more, and you think hahaha I gotcha! But after a while you start to miss your family and realise they're pretty cool. No one told me Mum and Dad were coming home, and I was pretty excited to see them. I thought I was going to wee for a second, but phew I held it in. I'm pretty good at jumping Mum says. How high can you jump?

Hi everyone, I had to borrow my friend Ryan’s mum’s laptop, as Mum and Dad have been away for a whole week now. I’ve had some really fun times with their friend who is pretty awesome and very kind, but I am starting to miss Mum and Dad a bit. I have to keep trying to remember to be good all the time, boy that can be tricky for me. Do you feel like that too when you have a dogsitter? Hang on, do you have a dogsitter, or a kidsitter? I have no idea!

This is my cousin Muffin McNiel. Mum thinks we look alike, which is pretty awesome, as I'd like to think I'm as cool as Muffin. Do you reckon I look like Muffin? She lives with my Aunty Joy and Uncle Callum and a whole lot of animals, I forget all their names. But they do have some ............. c a t s..... yikes you know how much they scare me. Mum started writing about, 'Muffin McNiel and Rosie McPosy, two little dogs, who were both rather nosy.' Sounds like fun.

Poor me........... there was sausage in that bowl, can you see it? "Please Mum, may I have just one little piece?" "Not yet Rosie," she replied. Maybe if I stay quiet and low, I can sneak some while no one is looking, what do you think?

Do I have news for you guys! Mum and Dad have bought this fancy house on wheels. Have you ever seen one? It's pretty cool, and Mum said I'm going to be allowed to go away with her and Dad on holiday. I'm hoping I'll be allowed to go to school again, because I like kids, except when they pull my tail. I bet you hate that too, oh you don't have a tail do you? That must feel weird! Cute photo of me hey!
Were you hot today? I was. I actually thought I was going to melt, BUT then something amazing happened. I'm not very brave around water, but guess what, I found out I CAN SWIM. Mum said what I did was dog paddling, more like dog freaking at first. Mum and Dad kept shouting, "Go Rosie,' so I just kept going. I liked the 'blow dry' afterwards too.

Hi everyone, I met another new friend today. Mum said we looked like twins, whatever twins are. Then I found out my new friend Garfield is a CAT!
I couldn't believe it. I've seen cats through the fence, and I always think they look a bit scary. But I've never been that close to one. Cats bottoms smell different to dogs. Funny hey!
I couldn't believe it. I've seen cats through the fence, and I always think they look a bit scary. But I've never been that close to one. Cats bottoms smell different to dogs. Funny hey!

Hi everyone, I thought I'd share a cool photo of my special internet friend 'Pipi The Wonderhound.' My Mum even wrote a poem about Pipi, you may have read it. We met through our Mums, but anyway Pipi got some drums for Christmas and sent me this photo of her playing them. She's pretty clever I reckon, and now wants to be a rock star and have her own band! I'm going to learn to play the keyboard so I can be in the band too. What do you reckon we should call ourselves? The Pooches? The Hound dogs? The Puppettes? Let me know.

Mum said I needed a haircut. "WHAT!? I like it long like this, Mum," I told her. "Rosie, you're looking extremely scruffy and people will think Dad and I don't look after you properly." You know what parents can be like at times. I even had to go to a new hairdresser, and don't tell Mum I said this, but he was kind of cool. I've never had my hair cut by a boy human before!

Don't you hate it when your Mum is always right! Here is me after my haircut. What do you reckon?
I look pretty cute now don't you think? Mum said I look beautiful, and I'd have to agree. It's okay to think you look nice, because I heard Mum telling her friend that, and Mum's are always right, remember.

HELP! I got into trouble this morning. Mum said someone pee'd on the floor and blamed me! Of course I said it wasn't me, and told her it was my friend Bear, but she didn't believe me. Bear didn't look too happy either. Okay I confess, it was me. But I've had a very stressful week, with a visit to the vet to have 10 teeth out because I have too many. I did feel better once I told the truth, but Mum still made me sit outside to think about what I'd done. I hope Bear still wants to be friends.

Does your life get a bit whacky sometimes? Mine did yesterday when we had visitors. They were pretty cool, but one kept saying the C A T word, and that always gets me nervous. Next thing she turned into a C A T, and made that funny noise they make, and was on all fours. It got really weird and I didn't know what to do, so I hid in the pots and watched, can you see me? Luckily she turned into a kind human again. Phew I was worried.

Has your Mum ever taken you shopping? You're a kid, of course she has right! In fact she probably makes you go shopping and you hate it, because she keeps stopping to look at things and talks to everyone. Well I'm a dog, so going into a shop was pretty special and I felt very important. But there was another dog in the shop that looked just like me. Can you see how alike we are? Like human identical twins. But it wouldn't come and play with me, it just stood there looking. I tried to be friendly, but it was no use, so in the end I gave up. Sad hey!

It's Christmas and New Year and everyone is eating chicken, ham, turkey and delicious treats. What do I get? More dog biscuits! Life just isn't fair at times.

Is Santa coming today Dad? Wake up!

Gee, all this waiting is hard. Christmas better be really good it when it arrives. Why couldn't Santa come early just for me. I know, I know, it's not all about me, but maybe just this once it could be!

Oh boy, it's hard trying to be good every day isn't it. I do try, but then a voice inside my head says, "Go on Rosie, dig a hole in the garden, it'll feel good." Next thing I know, I've done it, and it did feel good, until Dad finds it!
Then the other morning, I don't know what went wrong. Well I do know, I wee'd on the carpet. I was up early, and needed to go. Mum and Dad were still in bed and I thought why not, no one will ever know. I can now tell you that was NOT a good idea. You know my Mum, and she's kind and funny, well let me give you a tip......... if you ever come to my house, don't wee on the carpet. Boy, was she cross with me and even ordered me outside.
Parents hey......... I hope Santa doesn't read this or I could be in BIG trouble.
Then the other morning, I don't know what went wrong. Well I do know, I wee'd on the carpet. I was up early, and needed to go. Mum and Dad were still in bed and I thought why not, no one will ever know. I can now tell you that was NOT a good idea. You know my Mum, and she's kind and funny, well let me give you a tip......... if you ever come to my house, don't wee on the carpet. Boy, was she cross with me and even ordered me outside.
Parents hey......... I hope Santa doesn't read this or I could be in BIG trouble.

Dad and I like to share a secret sometimes. Mum let me read some 'jackiwa' poems this morning that cool kids had sent her, and she asked me to pick my favourtie. They were all good, although the one about hunting scared me a bit. Mum always says I should've been a cat because I'm a 'wussy pussy.' I liked the one about Dads, because my Dad is kind and funny too. I must talk to him about taking me kayaking though. Would I have to get wet? I I don't like water! Read the poems here.........

Oh no, my mum bought some new shampoo.... can you see what's happened? Every day has become a 'bad hair' day, even a'crazy hair' day for me. It's like, so embarrassing! How could I go out looking like this, what would all my friends say? There was only one thing to do, lie on the couch go to sleep and try and forget about how freaky I look. I hope there's new shampoo soon.

Today I went to a cool school with Mum and Dad, that sounded like it was called 'Why car oh.' Boy, those kids smelt really good too, and what fun I had sniffing them all. They were pretty kind too which made me happy. No one pulled my tail or teased me. Wow my Mum is pretty good at telling stories, and I just stood and listened to her. I didn't know she was that clever, but the kids all laughed at her poems. I felt a bit starstruck as it was my Mum they were clapping. Cool hey!

Do you ever feel like THANK GOODNESS it's Friday? You know how it is, when it's been a busy week, and Mum's asked you to do a million jobs. Then Mum and Dad keep saying, "Come on family time," and make me go on long, exhausting walks. I think they should worry about their exercise, not mine! Nothing like a good lie on the couch on nights like this.

Wind, wind, wind, bring it on. I love it. I'm not allowed to put my head out the car window because Mum says that's dangerous and I could lose my head. I don't really think that would happen, but you know what it's like. When your Mum says not to do something, it's best to do as she says or there might be trouble. So I like to stand out in the backyard when it's windy and let my ears blow in the breeze. Doesn't everybody?

I was so excited when Mum and Dad told me I was going to work with them today. I dont know what they do, but I hear Mum read lots of poems, and talk about kids. I love kids, so was super excited I got to play with so many today. Boy some of them smelt really tasty too. One boy smelt so good I didn't want to stop. Awkward! Do you think that was an okay thing to do? Then in the staffroom a teacher had a vegemite and cheese sandwich, but she wouldn't share. I'd have shared my dog biscuits with her!

I went to school today, and I was brilliant. Mum was a bit worried I might pee in the classroom........... what! As if I'd do that, you'd think she knew me better. I peed on the grass instead, and it felt good. I met some cool kids at Whyringa School, and more cool kids at tea kowhata School, well it sounded like that anyway, but I'm not sure, but hey I'm a dog and I'm not supposed to know those things. I had loads of fun anyway, no matter where I was.

Wasn't I cute when I was a puppy. This is me with my toys and new bed. haha Mum and Dad thought I'd like my very own bed, they didn't know I'd soon be sleeping on their bed, so they could've saved their money! I fooled them good and proper didn't I.